Welcome to Roger's Spectravideo page !
pages are dedicated to the Spectravideo computers from the early
You can read about the history of Spectravideo, view detailed product photos
of all the models, check out the technical specs and download software.
Have fun!
In the early eighties, people had fancy hairstyles and where listening
to music from Duran Duran, Depeche Mode,
Eurythmics and Michael Jackson. Soap
operas like Dynasty and Dallas ruled the TV world, at least here in
Norway where NRK the national brodcaster was the only choice for most
Computers was the new thing, and everybody wanted one at home.
This fantastic new technology was the future, so you had to be prepared!
You could do the most fantastic things with the computers. Organize your
home economy, keep track of your recipes and learn advanced programming.
The intentions where probably good, but most of us was just playing
video games.
There where a lot of different computers to choose from; Commodore, Atari, Sinclair,
Oric, Apple, Dragon and Spectravideo.
Spectravideo was originally specializing in video games for Atari and
Coleco, but they soon jumped on the home computer wave with the
Spectravideo SV-318. The SV-318 really stood out from the crowd with its red joystick.
Spectravideo later joined Microsoft in creating a world standard for
home computers, called MSX.
Read more about the history of Spectravideo on the
history pages on this site.

My first computer, the SV-318
My first computer was the Spectravideo SV-318. My parents
bought it as a present in 1983. I didn't know much about
computers at that time, my only experience was a home computer
training event at my local school, Flat�sen barne og
ungdomskole (Trondheim, Norway).
We learned how computers work, and
programming using BASIC.
All the training was
done using a
Texas Instruments TI99/4A.
Most of my friends had computers at home:
Commodore 64,
Oric and other brands.
The Spectravideo had very few games available, so I decided to
learn programming my own games.
In 1984 I made my first real game called Flipper
Man. That was published in a Norwegian computer magazine, and I
was awarded with 200NOK.
A few months later I made another game called LABYX,
partly inspired by a ZX Spectrum game a friend of mine had.
This was also published in a magazine, and I was awarded with
400NOK. I was very proud about this :-)
I also made a lot of other programs. A music composer and a
advanced drawing program with integrated LOGO language.
The 16k limmitation of the SV-318 made me upgrade to the SV-328
with 64k of RAM.
I bought a used 328 from a small computer
store in Trondheim called Team Data.
Unfortunately I didn't keep the old tapes with my programs, so
for many years I thought they where long gone. One evening,
over 20 years later i was surfing the web for info about the
Spectravideo computers from my childhood. I visited many
websites that night, and suddenly I found a site with two of my
programs (Labyx & Flipperman). I also
found a SVI emulator, enabling my to run the programs on my PC.
Seeing the Spectravideo logo pop up, and hearing the beep as the
system booted
was a very special moment.
Thanks to Magne Marthinsen for taking care of my programs.
My interest in the Spectravideo was overshadowed by new hardware
from Atari and Commodore in 1986. Atari launched their ST
series, and Commodore the Amiga. They where both light years
ahead of the Spectravideo in terms of hardware power and
features. I bought the Atari 1040ST in 1986, and that also
ended my programming career. There was so many software titles
available, so I didn't have the same need to make my own stuff.
In 1990 i bought my first PC, and I've been using various PC's
until 2010 when I bought my first Mac. It's kind of a full
circle. I was considering the Macintosh back in 1984, but ended up with
the Atari ST instead.
My early interest in computers opened the door for a career in the
IT industry. After graduating from school in Trondheim I moved to
Oslo. Since then, I've been working for companies like Compaq, HP, EMC, VMware and Sopra Steria.

The SV-328 alive and kicking, 23 years later...
This is a new and unused SV-328MKII and SV-903 cassette player
(loading the game Armoured Assault).
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